Nationality requirements for changing your name by deed poll
You may change your name by deed poll with only a few restriction if you are a UK national. Those restrictions are :-
– People with dual nationality
– Undischarged bankrupts.
– Mental Health incapacity
– People with a criminal conviction.
– Residents of the United Kingdom who are not UK citizens.
Nationality Requirements when Changing your Name
Those restrictions are
People with dual nationality
if you hold passports for another country, as well as your UK passport, then you must also change your name on your other passport before the UK Passport Agency will issue you with a new UK passport.
You may therefore need to ascertain the rules for changing your name in the country whose passport you wish to change.
Undischarged bankrupts.
If you have been subject to a bankruptcy order and that order has yet to be discharged, and you are either in a partnership, limited company or sole trader, you are required to notify all suppliers of your change of name.
You must also notify the official Receiver handling your bankruptcy. Failure to do so is a criminal offence.
Mental Health incapacity
If you have been detailed under The Mental health Act, there is nothing stopping you changing your name.
However, the Official Solicitor may apply to the court of protection for your change of name to be revoked if they believe you lacked the capacity to understand the decision you came to when you signed the deed poll.
People with a criminal conviction.
There is nothing to stop you changing your name by deed poll if you have a criminal conviction.
However if you do not notify the police or probation of the fact while you are still serving your sentence, this could be seen as a breach of your duty to provide all relevant information.
Residents of the United Kingdom who are not UK citizens.
If you are resident in the UK but are not a UK citizen, then you are able to change your name by deed poll in the same way a UK citizen can. However in order to satisfy the authorities in your hone country, you may need to follow different rules and should always check with them first as the legal procedure for your home country.
Some countries will require your deed poll to be witnessed by a solicitor or notary public. Other countries may require an apostille to be attached to the document.
Please check with your Embassy or Consulate before proceeding to change your name.
You can apply online today and receive your deed poll documents within 1-2 working days. From just £15.99 we provide a low cost, but high quality deed poll service.
Our Deed Poll Services

Adult Deed Poll Service
An adult deed poll is the quickest and easiest way to legally have your name changed in the UK if you are 16 years old or older. You do not need consent from anyone to change your legal name.

Child Deed Poll Service
We can draft an official child deed poll for you, which will enable you to change your child’s legal name. Please note that everyone with parental responsibility must consent to the name change.

Replacement Deed Poll
If you have lost or misplaced your deed poll and require a new one as legal proof that you have changed your name previously, you will need to order a Replacement Deed Poll.

Free 1st Class Delivery
Once you have placed your order it will be sent by 1st class post.

Change my name?
Use our quick and easy deed poll services to change your name.

Institute of Paralegals
We are certified members of the institute of paralegals, making sure you receive professional & expert advice.
Frequently Asked Questions
What sort of name can you choose?
You are legally entitled to change your name to anything you desire providing that you are not trying to defraud or deceive anyone. Call us for more information if you are unsure.
Is there an official deed poll office in the UK?
This is a common misconception. There is no government department or entity that provides deed polls. All the providers of deed poll documents in the UK, are either lawyers or private providers like ourselves.
How long will it take to change my name?
You will receive your deed poll and copies within 24 hours ( except weekends and bank holidays).
How much does a deed poll cost?
Our deed polls are £15.99 including vat, there is a drop down box on the order page for you to choose the amount of certified copies you require.
What other costs will there be to change my name?
The authorities where you change your name such as the Passport Office and DVLA will require you to submit your deed with an official application form and fees may be charged for doing so.
Do I really need a deed poll?
There are times when a deed poll is not needed to change your name. We have listed the most usual types of situations for you.
Do I have to update my driving licence in my new name?
Yes, you will need to apply for a new copy licence from the DVLA.
Can my employer (or potential employer) ask me about my former name?
If on application, the employers asks for any names you may have been known by, then you should tell them. Non discourse of facts such as these could lead to your instant dismissal.